Vacation Shopping

Who knew there was a Lush in Florence?! I've bought their soap in England, and in Boston I discovered Silky Underwear, a corn starch powder with cocoa butter. The Italian shops have the same bath powder, and they also have shower gel in bottles. Boston has bathing gel, but in jello-like cubes that escape down the drain.
Next to the church of San Lorenzo, there is a tiny yarn shop. Walk in the door and the yarn shelves are spread out below you, down a short flight of stairs. Pure Italian cashmere for 13 Euros per 25 grams, 190 yards. I think that was a bargain.
The shirt is from Sienna. There's a museum in the city hall with a mural called The Effects of Good Government on the City. I liked the colors, and the dog.
The waving cows on the socks caught my eye in a shop window in Lucca. There was a yarn shop on that street, but when I walked in, there was a heated discussion going on. I think it involved politics, or maybe a death threat. Or it may have been just the weather.